Philips Dynalite training

posted on Monday, 31st October 2011 by Steve May

Lighting Control  Training 


Leading CI distributor AWE is stepping up its training support for the Philips Dynalite lighting control range. Offering certification in System Design, Programming and Installation, AWE's training programme provides modules covering system design, product application and Dynalite EnVision Project software. The course also includes updates for certified programmers and system designers with ongoing assessments to maintain certification.

AWE says that over the past six months, 60 CI professionals have passed through the programme.

Philips Dynalite lighting control, which allows stunning LED lighting effects to be created at the touch of a button, has been generating great word of mouth -  and the course certainly sounds like a winner.

The System Design section explains the advantages of lighting control and how to achieve it within Dynalite's infrastructure and hardware, there's also a hands on with sensors and controllers, plus a full tutorial on different lighting technologies.  As part of the course, and adding to the fun, installers have to fully specify two different systems over the day.

The partnering Envision Project programming course runs for two days and includes an introduction to the software, basic lighting programming techniques and suggestions on how to make the most of the software's features.  It concludes with installers fully commissioning a training case, as is they were on site with no support from the outside world, creating scenes, pathways and different actions according to the time of day or light level.  (ie 'Welcome home' and pathway lighting, night time automation etc).

Currently, there are 20 certified Dynalite Dimension dealers in the UK. To join this elite band, there must be at least one certified System Designer employed by a company (although that person could also be the certified programmer and installer).  A Dimension dealer can also sub-contract to certified Dimension installers and programmers, if required. Naturally, AWE provides comprehensive support to all its Dimension dealers, with updates on product training and software developments.  

AWE is the exclusive supplier of the Philips Dynalite lighting control range to the UK residential custom installation sector. For further information click here or call AWE on  01372 729 995.


Steve May

Inside CI Editor Steve May is a freelance technology specialist who also writes for T3TechRadarHome Cinema Choice, Trusted Reviews and The Luxe Review.

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