Reviewed: CEDIA Health and Safety training 2014

posted on Saturday, 3rd May 2014 by David Slater

CEDIA  Training 


Issues of Health and Safety is never far from the surface on any custom install project, so CEDIA's initiative to collaborate with the JIB (Joint Industry Board) on a Home Technology Integrators ECS card is a significant one. To learn more, Inside CI took to the road, or more accurately, an early train to St Neots, to sit in on the one day Health and Safety course at CEDIA HQ.

As residential CI companies are finding it increasingly important for on-site staff to be trained in working at heights, manual handling skills and asbestos awareness, CEDIA has produced an intensive, time efficient course designed to impart all knowledge and skills you'll need to work safely on site. Our presenter for the day was Jason Williams from Best for Training.

The ultimate objective for all attendees is to obtain a CEDIA Home Technology Integrators ECS related discipline card which entitles accredited holders to work on a building site. The course is followed by an online exam, and if you have a CEDIA EST2 qualification and pass, you'll then receive your Home Technology Integrators ECS card from the Joint Industry Board (JIB).

Table Meeting

Risk assessment was first on the agenda, a subject often casually overlooked. However it's extremely important. At DSE Group it was my job to oversee health and safety, so I had an understanding of the legal requirements from the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, regulation 3. It's all about control measures, how to avoid risk and combat it at source and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and training. 

One useful publication from the HSE is 5 steps to Risk, so if you forget what you should be looking for, this book will be a great reference. A Risk Matrix is a chart which is colour coded to cover everything from trivial injuries all the way up to fatalities; it goes from '1 Very Unlikely' to  '5 Very Likely'.

As the day progressed it proved to be very much a hands on course, with all the attendees involved. A discussion between all the installers participating led to plenty of questions and answers; practical experiences really help you understand just why health and safety issues are so important.

Working at heights was next up on the list, with some interesting facts to follow, such as "Can the ladder take your weight?" Something I hadn't really thought about. Always check for BS EN, as it will guarantee that the equipment meets a consistent minimum standard. The best practice for ladder work is called 3 Point, that's to say two feet and one hand always on the ladder.

Fire Training

Lifting and carrying, plus working with fire extinguishers were then demonstrated out in the sunshine. I was amazed to see that although we all appeared to be following the rules, we were lifting incorrectly, putting more stress on our backs rather than bending our legs. It was then time to go back into the classroom to be assessed on what we had learnt so far.

After the course assessments were complete, it was onto the online exam. I would recommend a little revision prior to sitting this; the HSE has a great online resource and, to be honest, if you have been trading for a while you should already have some form of Health and Safety policy in force.


Overall, Inside CI rates this day course time well spent out of the office, after all you can never be complacent when it comes to Health and Safety on site. CEDIA deserves a big thumbs up for working so hard on getting the ECS card scheme in place.

The next scheduled courses take place on May 28, June 18 and July 23. For CEDIA members, the course is priced at £202.80, for non-members it's £262.80.This year CEDIA members receive a free education voucher when they join or renewed their membership. This can be redeemed against the course. Bookings can be made here.

For more on the work of CEDIA visit our resource page here.

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CEDIA confirms final judging panel for 2014 Awards

How to diagnose and repair electronic system failures

Old Royal Naval College Greenwich for CEDIA Awards

David Slater

David Slater started his writing career with SVI writing a popular column, he has also guested on publications like Home Cinema Choice and
Living North

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