Preview: Future of Home Technology conference

posted on Wednesday, 19th September 2012 by Steve May

CEDIA  Events 


The Future of Home Technology will be revealed and debated this October, at a high-level conference organised by CEDIA for the residential custom installation industry. Certain to be informative, thought provoking and probably a little controversial, the event takes place on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th of October, at the Inmarsat Conference Centre, in London.

The timing for the event couldn't be better. With the home technology landscape seemingly in constant flux, knowing what's coming next is vital to business profitability and growth. CEDIA says it intends to clarify the scene, by bringing together multiple experts in their fields: "It's key that companies in this sector are aware of the business threats and opportunities, and stay sufficiently well informed to ensure that their business can react to these influences and remain successful in the years ahead."

The subjects under discussion should strike a note with every integrator, from the commercialisation of the connected home, to infrastructure issues covering broadband and 4G. There will also be an opportunity to get hands-on and close-up with some of the latest tech, in a special showcase area. Certain to be a highlight, CEDIA will also use the event to announce and discuss the results of the first dedicated, industry-wide research into the CI sector.

The Future of Home Technology: schedule highlights
Registration and refreshments begin at 9.30 on both days, with the programme commencing at 10.00am. Things wrap-up at 16.00pm on both days.

The theme for Day One seems to be The Connected Home. Carl Hibbert, the Head of Broadcast Research for Futuresource will update delegates on the latest developments in the world of connected TV services, while Robert King, VP of Consumer Electronics at Samsung will look at what's happening in the fast changing world of Smart TVs.

With second screening becoming a hot industry topic, Renaud Fuchs, VP Business Development and Strategy at Technicolor, will detail the rise of mobile devices and the implications for the Smart home environment. The big question for the afternoon will be Are We Ready for the Integrated Home? Hopefully presenter Jim Read, Associate Director at Arup Communications, will provide some answers.

Day two will focus on the underlying infrastructure challenges facing tomorrow's home technology, with Lord Inglewood, Chairman of the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications debating The Road to Superfast Broadband, while Reuben Braddock, Spectrum Policy Advisor at OFCOM explains just what's happening with 4G.

Dave Pedigo, CEDIA Senior Director of Technology, will discuss Emerging Tech Trends, while Duncan Maidens, co-ordinator of Europe's CISCO Academy, will look at developments surrounding The IP Home.

The conference concludes with that all-important research into the Future of Custom Install, presented by Tricia Parks, CEO of Parks Associates. Doubtless there will be plenty of Q&A over the two-day period too.

How much will it cost?
The CEDIA member rate is £95 (+VAT) for both days, or £75 (+ VAT) for one day. Non-members will pay £120 (+VAT) for two days, and £90 (+VAT) for one day.

Getting there:
The Conference Centre is located at Inmarsat plc, 99 City Road, London EC1Y 1AX, UK (tel: +44 (0)20 7728 1000). It's located next to the Old Street rail and underground station. It's also within walking distance of Moorgate underground station and Liverpool Street. There are NCP car parks at Finsbury Park Square, Paul Street and Tabernacle Street.

For those needing overnight accommodation, CEDIA has arranged special rates at the HQ Hotel: Thistle City Barbican, Central Street, Clerkenwell London, EC1V 8DS (Tel: +44 (0)871 977 0218, quoting 'SWIF221012').

To book online for the event go to


Steve May

Inside CI Editor Steve May is a freelance technology specialist who also writes for T3TechRadarHome Cinema Choice, Trusted Reviews and The Luxe Review.

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