ITSA 2014: CI and Smart Home winners revealed

posted on Saturday, 6th December 2014 by Steve May

home cinema  Awards  Smart home 


The results are in for the first ITSA (Install Technology & Solutions Awards) accolades. Sponsored by HDanywhere, ITSA is the UK CI’s only independent custom install and smart home awards. This year saw 55 entries across nine categories, revealing the most innovative and inspiring case studies of the year.

This year, the ITSA judging panel comprised CEDIA executive director Wendy Griffiths, Home Cinema Choice editor Mark Craven, Inside CI and Inside ID publisher David Slater and SVI editor Stuart Pritchard. Together they pored over explanation and images, kit lists and designs, to determine a winner for each hotly contested category. All the winners will receive a certificate of CI superiority presented to them on the HDanywhere stand at ISE 2015, prior to a celebratory Winners’ Dinner hosted by the aforementioned ITSA sponsors. They also get invaluable bragging rights...

ITSA Awards winners 2015, with comments from clients, installers and judges:

Winner: Inspired Dwellings
“This new build first came to us in 2012, with a basic scope for multi-room audio and some televisions, but quickly expanded to include every aspect of home automation and technology imaginable (with some cool audio visual extras thrown in). The spec continued to expand as the client’s realised the potential of home technology, and how much their home (and their technology!) could work for them.” The Installer. See more from Inspired Dwellings here.


Winner: MESL
“A stunning yacht with an environmental focus and outstanding wellness centre, GRACE E trail-blazes an entirely new approach to superyachting…”

Winner: Inspired Dwellings
“The end result is a home incorporating a vast amount of technology that is seamlessly integrated in such a way that is not overwhelming for the different family members or their house guests, no matter what age they are. Thanks to the skill of Inspired Dwellings and powerful integration technology of Lutron’s HomeWorks light control solution, the owners have a versatile system that can be adapted to the changing needs of the family for many years to come.” See more from Inspired Dwellings here


Winner: Face to Face
“The client has substantially reduced his heating bills to approximately £15,000 per year. As a result, his payback on the investment in our integrated home technology solution, including energy management, will be less than two years which is fantastic. It’s no wonder he is extremely happy and delighted with the savings. Our energy management solution has also proved very reliable. Once the system was commissioned in July 2013, we have only had to make very minor tweaks to the algorithms over the winter months to ensure eco and comfort levels meet his requirements. It’s been an extraordinary success, and one which we are now taking out to more and more clients with large country estates where retrofitting effective energy management technology is a top priority.”

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Winner: Andrew Lucas
“It was clear from the outset that our client required the highest standards of performance and aesthetics from our technology installation. Due to the complex nature of the project and the requirement to integrate multiple systems, Lutron HomeWorks QS & Savant were chosen to provide simple and stable operation of the apartment. The Savant interface was translated into the client’s native tongue and extensively customised to optimise its ergonomics and fluency. The client was extremely pleased that Andrew Lucas was able to capture his vision with expert advice and imaginative recommendations. The end results exceeded his expectations.”

Dining 3

Winner: The Big Picture
The client says: “I thought it was time I let you know what we think of the cinema room. It is absolutely outstanding. The room has added a new dimension to our home entertainment and is getting more use than anything else we have had put in to our new home. We have been in the cinema most nights since even before you had totally finished. From both a visual and acoustic point of view we are delighted, also the overall appearance and wonderful feel the room has, compels us to be in there all of the time. Finally I would like to thank you and your team for the way the installation was carried out, in such a tidy and efficient manner.”

Winner: M.E.G.A AV
“A property in a small village in Cognac, France, the client requested that the whole house and surrounding buildings could all access various music sources and be it simple to control. A number of TV screens also were to be installed in the house with the rest of the rooms wired for both satellite and IP TV. Furthermore, the old summer house was to be converted into a home cinema/listening room and the large barn to be fitted with a system that can function as a small PA during various functions, while also supplying background music and sound during various presentation events and projections.”

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Winner: Cornflake
“We’re delighted with the showroom and its impact on our business. The interest generated by the Smart APPartment has helped to grow the market for Home Automation generally, creating a bigger cake that benefits all installers. No.41 represents a significant change in how the industry markets itself professionally and how we’re all viewed by end-users. With its superb CPD facilities the showroom provides an excellent training resource for related industries (architects, developers, designers, developers) who have responded particularly enthusiastically.” - Cornflake CEO Robin Shephard.


Winner: Intuitive Homes
“The amazing media wall in our new lounge extension is perfect for us all as a family. Intuitive Homes did a brilliant job in offering us all sorts of options for what we could have in the space and with their guidance everything we chose has been a huge success. The combination of the modern day technology with the lovely natural waney edged unusual wood shelving and Lutron Lighting is amazing. Everyone compliments this space and it really is the perfect focal point that makes this a stunning extension on our lovely new home. Honestly, we could never have even imaged such a media wall, and have never seen anything like it, amazing!” – The Client.

Winner: The Big Picture
Chosen by HDanywhere managing director Chris Pinder, the recipient of Most Outstanding ITSA entry, The Big Picture, receives an HDanywhere mHub 4K.

ITSA will return for 2015!

Steve May

Inside CI Editor Steve May is a freelance technology specialist who also writes for T3TechRadarHome Cinema Choice, Trusted Reviews and The Luxe Review.

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