About Inside CI

Inside CI is the UK's leading website dedicated to custom installation, electronic system design and related technologies. With daily news, product reviews and features covering every aspect of the custom install business, from AV and automation, to lighting and case studies, Inside CI is the essential go-to resource for installers, designers, distributors and dealers.

Inside CI Staff: Valuing editorial credibility
The publishing team behind Inside CI boast unbeatable credentials when it comes to hands-on installation experience and market-leading journalism. Publisher Dave Slater took custom installation company DSE Digital to a pre-eminent position in the UK, while Editor Steve May has more than 20 years experience writing for consumer and trade press. He created and launched Home Cinema Choice magazine  and also contributes to some of the UK's leading technology websites and magazines, including T3, TechRadar, The Luxe ReviewTrusted Reviews, and Home Cinema Choice. With deep access to the biggest names in technology, the site combines editorial integrity with a mandate to support and inform the wider CI community. To that end, Inside CI regularly features expert contributions from the worlds of programming, system control and lighting design.

Inside CI is a next-generation publishing platform
Offering the widest reach of any custom install media outlet, we offer a dedicated YouTube channel featuring HD reports from key events on the calendar, proactive social media engagement and a website optimised for both mobile and desktop viewing.

Inside CI: it's where the UK custom install industry looks first.

How to get in touch with us...
For all general enquiries contact the Inside CI Newsdesk at Info@insideci.co.uk

Staff Details
Managing Director & Publisher: David Slater - email: david@insideci.co.uk
Senior Editor: Steve May - email Info@insideci.co.uk
Journalist: Geny Caloisi - email: geny.insideCI@gmail.com

Office Address 
23 Craven Terrace
W2 3QH
Tel: 0207 4024603




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